Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This film in particular I didn't like too well. I liked certain aspects of it liked the rebellion of the female characters making a stand against the men for what they believed in. There was a scene that I LOVED where Colle was being whipped by her husband, I think it was, because the other men told them to take care of his wife. And no matter how many times or how hard he hit her, she still stood there and kept taking the blows even though I know it must've hurt like hell.

For some reason, when I was watching this, I started thinking of The Color Purple, which is one of my favorite movies. The themes in both movies, I think, are similiar because at the heart of both stories it is about the black movie overcoming struggles and adversity. Not to mention, I think that black women have it the worse in life because number one, they are black and number two, they are women and women have it hard anyway because everyone thinks of it being a man's world and some people even think of it as being a white man's world. But I don't see why they wanted to continue the female mutilation, which was what is was, not a purification process they said it was. I mean, if you're in a civilization, you want it to continue and flourish but I mean, I guess I could understand it if the women weren't good women and were lacking in the intelligent department or something but even still, as a man, I would want a son to continue my name and legacy.

I think the theme of this movie has to do with opposing authority. Like for instance, Colle opposes the idea of circumcision, known as the purification process by the men and she is ridiculed by the men because if I remember, didn't she NOT MAKE her daughter do it? It's sort of hard to follow the story and small parts of it when it's in a different language but I think I remember that.

What struck me about the film when I was watching it was how unbelievable slow and boring the first prolly 3o or 40 minutes of it was but after that, it started to pick up the pace and it wasn't until The Store Owner, Mercenary stood up and made Colle's husband stopped beating her. Then I become interested because it's almost like he was a catalyst for the change that happened in the movie after that. Like he was what caused the women to stand up for themselves. It usually only takes one thing in someone's life to make them change forever so I really dug that.

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