Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Code Unknown

I didn't fully understand this film. Maybe because there were so many stories in the film dealing with different characters. But the one story I did follow was the character that Juliette Binoche played. I know that she was an actress and her boyfriend was a photographer. What struck me during the film and caught my attention was the scene when she thought she was auditioning for a film but the guy behind the screen told her he was going to kill her by flooding the room with gas. What was so traumatic and dynamic about this scene was that the camera stayed on her face the entire time and we were made to watch her emotions and expression as he was telling her this. So it was almost like we were the ones telling her and almost like we were the ones being told, as if we were staring into a mirror and he was behind it. Another scene that was impressive was the beginning scene with Amidou, the black guy, who grabbed Anne's nephew because he thought he was insulting the homeless man by giving him the sandwich. I liked this scene because there were no cuts or edits during most of it or all of it and we were made to watch it as if we were pedestrians on the street watching it take place. Another thing that was cool about this scene was that it was the scene that featured our main characters who were all in it and altered all of them in some way. It was sort of like the catalyst scene.
I was more so confused by the beginning and ending scenes featuring the 'sign-language' kids. I don't understand sign language so I didn't understand why they put in in there.

I think one of the themes of this movie, to me, is sort of like the title of the film: incomplete takes of several journeys. Sometimes in life, a singular moment involving several people can change them forever, even if the moment isn't as significant or dramatic as one might think it should be. I think in this case, we were dealing with people who weren't acting on their impulses to do what they wanted to do in life or they were, but there was something holding them back from committing to it fully. Like I said at the beginning of the film, I didn't fully understand the movie so I can't comment honestly without coming across as not knowing what I'm talking about in some way, because in truth, I don't. I'm just trying to elaborate on some things that I did understand and catch on. But a theme that I can honestly comment on that I caught was people being altered by a movie that changed them in the way that they needed at the time because most of them were lacking the ambition to change themselves or if they were changing themselves, this moment gave them the extra boost.

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